Lee Davis, Nicole Etchart
Výška zálohy
20 EUR

Enterprise activities are not for all nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), nor are they easy for those NGOs that do venture into the marketplace. Profits for Nonprofits examines the practical challenges and obstacles in implementing self-financing. The 20 Central European NGO enterprises documented in Profits for Nonprofits have not succeeded without significant effort, risk and sacrifice. The cases illustrate that management, access to credit, conflicts between for-profit and nonprofit mission, legal, tax and regulatory issues, potential fallout and competition with for-profit small-businesses, public accountability, ethics and potential abuses are all recurring issues that the NGOs face in using self-financing strategies. However, Profits for Nonprofits illustrates that, while not the panacea, self-financing can generate income and further the mission of nonprofit parent organizations.

Chapter 1: Building the Nonprofit NESsT Egg
Chapter 2: NGO Case Analysis
Chapter 3: Legal Issues
Chapter 4: Donor Perspectives
Chapter 5: Looking to the Future
Appendix I: NGO Case Summaries
Appendix II: The Sustainable NGO Financing (SNFP) Team

“. . . should be essential reading for donors and practitioners alike throughout the world . . . a highly readable contribution to the expanding debate about a nonprofit capital market . . .”
– Malcolm Hayday, Chief Executive, The Charity Bank, London

Available online in eBook format